
Monday, April 27, 2009

Jog falls Details

Total Height:
829 feet

Tallest Single Drop:
829 feet

Average Width:
1,550 feet

Average Volume:
5,387 cubic feet / sec.

Maximum Recorded Volume:
120,000 cubic feet / sec.

Sharavati River

Seasons of Best Flow:

Location, Directions & Maps:


State / Province:

Shimoga District

Specific Location:
18 miles east of Gersoppa

Detailed Information:
This is another tall waterfall that runs amok during monsoon season, exceeding even Kaieteur Falls in Guyana in terms of height and volume. We've seen the falls reported to be up to 960 feet tall, however, the figure we show above is known to be more accurate because that height was derived by dropping a weighted line into the gorge. The four segments of the falls are named, from left to right, the Raja, the Roarer, the Rocket, and the Rani (White Lady).

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Get up and rise like phoenix.......

Get up and rise like phoenix.......An inspirational quote often used. But wonder why they use that words? Here is the answer.
A phoenix is a mythical bird with a colourful plumage and a tail of gold and scarlet (or purple and blue, according to some sources ). It has a 500 to 1,000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of myrrh twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again. The new phoenix is destined to live as long as its old self.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Dont have voter ID card, Still you can vote

Produce any one of the 13 alternative photo documents listed below and Go Voting!
  • Passport
  • Driving Licenses
  • Income Tax Identity (PAN) Card
  • Service Identity Cards issued to its employees by State or Central Government, Public Sector Undertakings, Local Bodies or Public Limited Companies with photographs
  • Passbooks issued by Public Sector Banks or post offices and Kisan Passbooks with photograph (accounts opened up to February 28, 2009)
  • Property Documents such as Pattas, Registered Deeds, etc. with photograph.
  • SC/ST/OBC certificates issued by competent authority with photograph (issued up to February 28, 2009)
  • Pension documents such as ex-servicemen’s Pension Book or Pension Payment Order, ex-servicemen’s widow or dependent certificates, Old Age Pension Order, Widow Pension Order with photograph (issued up to February 28, 2009)
  • Freedom Fighter Identity Card (with photograph)
  • Arms Licenses (issued up to February 28, 2009)
  • Certificate of physical handicap with photograph issued by competent authority (issued up to February 28, 2009)
  • Job Cards issued under NREGA with photograph (issued up to 28-02- 2009)
  • Health Insurance Scheme Smart Cards with photograph (Ministry of Labour’s Scheme, issued up to February 28, 2009.

Get any of the above mentioned available and cast your Vote*!

*In few cases, the head of the family may be used for identifying the other members of the family, provided all members come together and are identified by the head of the family.

Friday, April 24, 2009

The Swiss Online Promotion. Company London

The Swiss Online Promotion.
Company London
P O Box 1010, Liverpool,

NAME; Mr. Williams Spencer
PHONE NUMBER: +447031912630

Dear Winner,
You have been declared the winner of 500,000.00 British Pound Sterling...........

What a SPAM ? They have included the office address also! Great ! And also they have included contact number. Do not doubt about the number. Somebody will be there at the receiving end! They want us to(only) believe that we have won ! That is their main aim ! And they will achieve it !



Winner in the 1st category of our DE LOTTO Nokia Lottery Promotional award
draws held in United Kingdom.......

Now the spams have entered in the mobile arena.I wonder how these spams crawl into my inbox?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Vote for change

ASP.NET Machine A - new user account

No need to worry if this user account just creeps into your list ....

The aspnet_wp or ASP.NET Machine Account is created when the Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1 is installed onto a Windows XP computer. The user is created to run the worker process used in Microsoft's Internet Information Services, which allows to run on your local web server (This is pretty much its only use, it is not used to run normal .net managed executables). There is not a need to worry about this user's presence; it was not created in malicious way.

BJP = Congress - Saffron

When two opposite parties can come together in Gerrmany and rule for the interest of the nation. Why cannot it happen in India ? Why cant both of the parties come together? The equation is so simple between the two parties.
  • have liberal polices towards economy so no dragging of polices
  • have same attitude towards US and ISRAEL and wants better coordination with these countries
  • people from either parties keep jumping "on and on"; so ideology can be diluted on both sides
So whats wrong in forming government together for the betterment of their own parties rather than walking on knife edge with regional parties. So can we hope for this after 2009 elections
P.M - Manmohan Singh*
D.P.M - L.K.Advani*
H.M-Narendra Modi
F.M-Chidambaram and so on ..............
*interchangeable at half term

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Will we ever come out of this EUPHORIA???

Take a look at what one of the senior cabinet minister has about how he had faced the elections-
First time he fought under the aggressive tactics of caste and he won by a record margin!!!
The next time when he did the elections under development plank, his margin was reduced significantly!!!
No matter what party it is ? The most important criteria for selecting candidates will be based on caste equations. These days the parties have gone a step further and have a detailed analysis of the caste distribution of constituencies and studying the pattern has become a part of the strategy of the party.The people too have started to give a silent nod for these type of politics by giving in for the candidate of their community. Will there ever be an end to these type of politics? Nowhere in the near future ........

National elections on local train

15th lokhsabha elections has commenced and 1/5th of the voters have already casted there previous vote!!!
How many of them have casted their vote considering the national issues in the mind ?
What are the national issues at present ?
Economic slowdown
Nuclear deal
Take a look at the farmer from an arrid land, does the above things mean anything to him? He wants roads, drinking water and electricity. Will he ever look into the national perspective while voting? And what does the average middle class people think, they are usually worried about price rise rather than about the security(until their kith and kin is affected) or nuke deal.
And the people without knowing what is their vote going to do fo them. Unfortunately these people constitutes the majority and decide who rules.
Local issues take the front seat, regional aspirations get top priority, and religion and caste ultimately rules the so called national elections.....

Friday, April 17, 2009

There are more Satyams here - This is Satya

Satyam CEO makes an effort to takeover the Maytas group;
The directors and shareholders ditches the offer;
CEO retaliates and ditches even the corpoarate, IT and Government's Image;
And this is termed as the great Satyam Scam;
What if takeover was there and everything was on the terms of CEO;
No Satyam Scam and Satyam would also be on the list of elite companies like Infosys;
The government appoints a new bench of directors and makes the way for smooth transition of company's sale, is it not a whole cover up of the issue ? The government is trying to cover up its fault in regulations by showing it to public that it has acted in at the right time and in the right direction.
How many more companies can be included in the list is a million dollar question? Where is the issue of investigating the Independent auditors?
Satyams ''asatyam" will be buried. The opportunity for having a more stricter regulation policy is lost.

The shoes are flying here also

Indians have learnt something from Iraqis;
They have started throwing shoes to voice there concern;
But they have copied the entire thing ;"Hit and miss" is the same rule which is applied here also;
Indian Journalist have taken a serious note of it and they want to abolish the h & m law because India is a free democratic country ;
They want the target to hit precisely so they are holding special training programmes in bachelor course;
Already 3 victims have been included in the list and many more to come if the shoe thrower is given cash prize even though it missed the target-Jarnail Singh got 2 lakhs !!!
So leading magazines are thinking of new cover page Iraqisation of Indian journalism...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Can this party make a difference ?

Well it might but the riplles have to be generated and it seems it will take decades long to reap the harvest......

ಕಳಬೇಡ ಕೊಲಬೇಡ

ಕಳಬೇಡ ಕೊಲಬೇಡ

ಹುಸಿಯ ನುಡಿಯಲುಬೇಡ


ಅನ್ಯರಿಗೆ ಅಸಹ್ಯ ಪಡಬೇಡ

ತನ್ನ ಬಣ್ಣಿಸಬೇಡ

ಇದಿರ ಹಳಿಯಲುಬೇಡ

ಇದೇ ಅಂತರಂಗ ಶುದ್ಧಿ

ಇದೇ ಬಹಿರಂಗ ಶುದ್ಧಿ

ಇದೇ ನಮ್ಮ ಕೂಡಲಸಂಗಮನೊಲಿಸುವ ಪರಿ

Darani mandala madyadolage - punya koti ; video

PDT and IST : Indian Standard Time

PDT : Pacific Daylight time
It is used in certain states only in summer.
PDT is 7 hours behind of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
IST is 5.5 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
Therefore PDT is 12.5 hours behind the IST.

2004 equal or not equal to 2009

2004 : NDA was in power until then.
Faced the elections with over confidence
Had slogans like India Shining
But at last Congress got the shining and UPA came to power

2009: UPA was in power until now
Facing the election with a bit confidence which is reflected in its planning for the next 100 days administration
Have the slogans like Bharath Nirman, Jai ho etc etc etc

But who will shine at the end? The great Indian democracy will unfold yet another verdict. And whether the verdict will be a silent transition of power like the previous one or the tactic upholding of the present regime is yet to see.


Blitzkrieg is the need of the hour. We should apply this in our life but also dont foget these golden words "patience is VIRTUE"

Blitzkrieg means "lightning war". Blitzkrieg was first used by the Germans in World War Two and was a tactic based on speed and surprise and needed a military force to be based around light tank units supported by planes and infantry (foot soldiers). The tactic was developed in Germany by an army officer called Hans Guderian. He had written a military pamphlet called "Achtung Panzer" which got into the hands of Hitler. As a tactic it was used to devastating effect in the first years of World War Two and resulted in the British and French armies being pushed back in just a few weeks to the beaches of Dunkirk and the Russian army being devastated in the attack on Russia in June 1941.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Prediction by Arun Nehru

There is nothing new in this prediction but the point of worry at this point of hour is the "*" marks which are filled everywhere and this will surely be the biggest headache for the national parties after the polls to form the government. As the *(stars) in the list increases it will be difficult for anyone including our elegant economist Manmohan Singh to count 273!!!

Will the recession keep the rural India upbeat???

People are loosing jobs, cutting their expenses, and are getting trained to live with what they get and the buying capacity which is almost equal to economy of the Urban India has gone down drastically after the recession story began in India.
But see what it has done to rural India, they remain the same, they still have the same buying capacity and infact companies which are based on rural marketing are high on their confidence. Sectors like banking, automobiles and others are shifting focus on the rural market. So will now be the greviances of rural India heard ? Will the backbone of our country get stronger due to the fatty greedy hawkers in the Wall Street ???

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 1st virus not at all a joking virus

April 1st virus is indeed a threat and there is need to look and know about this joking virus.
The worm allows its creators to remotely install software on infected machines. What will that software do? We don’t know. Most likely the worm will be used to create a botnet that will be rented out to criminals who want to send SPAM, steal IDs and direct users to online scams and phishing sites.
The Downadup worm tries to take advantage of a problem with Windows (a vulnerability) called MS08-067 to quietly install itself. Users who automatically receive updates from Microsoft are already protected from this. The worm also tries to spread by copying itself into shared folders on networks and by infecting USB devices such as memory sticks.
So whats the solution ? If you have a original windows edition and if its updated until now you nedd not have to worry otherwise you need to have the top antivirus softwares protecting your computer.

Life = Thinking Headline Animator